CWRA 2022-2023 Webinar Series Presentation
As part of the Saskatchewan Branch 2022-2023 Canadian Water Resources Association Webinar Series, Ambroise Percheron P.Eng. from KGS Group and Jeff Sereda, Ph.D., from the Water Security Agency (WSA), will be presenting on the Davis Creek Diversion – a review of a fish exclusion system at the Davis Diversion intake.
The Davis Diversion was built in 1939 by the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration near the Town of Maple Creek in Southwestern Saskatchewan. The main purpose of this canal is to divert unregulated flow, particularly spring run-off, as a way to help farmers conserve soil, prevent erosion, develop water resources and manage pasture land.
Fish stranding in the Davis Diversion canal were previously observed, including the Plain Sucker which is listed as a threatened species under the Species at Risk Act. KGS Group was retained by the WSA to complete the conceptual and detailed designs of a fish exclusion system. The project consisted of the development of innovative measures to exclude endangered or threatened species from the diversion system while replacing the existing aging water control structures. In addition, provision for upstream fish passage was also required at the control structure to minimize potential negative impacts on the target fish species and enhance the aquatic habitat in the creek.
Join Ambroise on October 13, 2022 noon to 1 p.m. CST to find out more about the Davis Creek Diversion project.
To sign up for the webinar, visit https://cwra.org/fr/sk-branch-2022-23-webinar-series/