Gord McPhail, M.Sc., P.Eng.
Principal & Director
Gord is a Principal and Specialist Engineer specializing in structural and hydraulic design, planning, environmental approvals, and life extension of water control structures and hydroelectric plants. Over the course of his 30+ year career, he has served as project manager as well as a structural and hydraulic technical specialist for the design of new or life extension of many significant dams, spillways, canals, penstocks and hydro projects across Canada and the United States.
As head of our hydro-structural group in Winnipeg, Gord leads the planning and design of hydroelectric projects, hydraulic and water control structures, as well as life extension of existing structures and flow control systems. He is responsible for and assists with several of the owner’s engineer water resource and hydro projects we have undertaken and continue to perform for owners across North America.
Gord also serves as a member on our board of directors.