Stefan Kohnen, MBA, P.Eng.
Principal & Regional Manager, Mississauga
As Principal and Regional Manager, Stefan supports the development of the waterpower sector of the firm. He is also responsible for managing the delivery of KGS Group’s services from its Mississauga location.
With extensive experience in turbine supply projects across North America before joining KGS Group, Stefan’s skills and expertise have evolved to include the development and delivery of complete hydropower projects.
He has held leadership roles that include the entire life cycle of several noteworthy, and often challenging, hydropower projects including Peter Sutherland Sr, Calabogie GS, Kakabeka Falls GS, Coniston and Stinson GS, and Matabitchuan GS. He has also been the subject matter expert leading the improvement option studies for various sites for PG&E including Spaulding, Cresta, James B. Black, Pit 6 and Kerckhoff 2.
Together with other subject matter experts at KGS, Stefan has built methodologies for optimizing solutions when developing hydropower assets. He has written articles and presented these findings and offers this unique expertise to clients.
Stefan holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from McGill University (1988) and an Executive MBA from Queen’s University (2001).