Water Resources

Water is the most important resource on our planet: it’s finite, non-replaceable and impossible to live without. Protecting this precious resource while harnessing its power and potential is one of our key capabilities. Our water resources engineers respond to and manage flood crises, harness the power of water for hydroelectric development, and manage stormwater for safe and effective urban design.

Dam Safety

Our water resources engineers are well versed in dam safety management and emergency response. In fact, a number of our senior staff are actively involved with the development of state-of-the-art dam safety practices.

We have extensive experience with the following aspects of dam safety:

  • inflow design flood assessment
  • dam breach analysis
  • consequence classification and hazard assessment
  • inundation mapping
  • wind and wave analysis
  • freeboard analysis
  • assessment of adequacy of flow passage
  • emergency management plans (preparedness and response plans)
  • emergency management plan training

Learn more about our geotechnical and structural dam engineering services.