Whether you need help navigating environmental regulations, expertise conducting environmental impact assessments, support to manage complex groundwater conditions, designs to redevelop contaminated lands or capability in managing a landfill, our experts can assist. Our veteran team offers a full array of environmental services and their experience includes a wide variety of projects ranging from small to large. No matter the project size, we develop custom solutions for our clients that are environmentally responsible, sustainable and practical to apply in the real-world.
- Contaminated Site Assessment, Remediation, and Risk Management
- Solid Waste Management
- Ecology and Environmental Impact Assessment
- Archaeology and Heritage Resources
- Hydrogeology and Hydrogeological Engineering
- Mine Closure and Reclamation
- Emergency Response
- Demolition and Hazardous Building Materials Assessment
- Geothermal
Contaminated Site Assessment, Remediation, and Risk Management
Our experts have extensive experience with contaminated site assessments and remediation of both federal and provincially regulated lands. We’ve applied our expertise to numerous bulk fuel storage facilities, rail yards, wharf sites, landfills, weather stations, pulp and paper mills, abandoned mines, hydroelectric generating stations, and more. Our excellent working relationships with regulatory agencies, along with our in-depth knowledge of applicable legislation and understanding of how contaminants behave in the environment help facilitate contaminated site projects.
Our experienced professionals provide the following services:
Contaminated Site Assessment
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments following CSA Standard Z768-01 and ASTM Standard E1527-13
- Phase II and III Environmental Site Assessments following CSA Standard Z769-00 and ASTM Standard E1903-11
- monitoring and sampling of various media, including, soil, air, soil vapour, groundwater, surface water, and aquatic sediments
- electromagnetic (EM) and ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys
- direct push drilling and down-hole tool methods, including membrane interface probe (MIP) and laser induced fluorescence (LIF) techniques
- x-ray diffraction (XRF) field analyses and data collection for delineating metals impacts in soils
- supervision of storage tank removal and decommissioning
- data gap analysis and peer review of ESA reports prepared by others
Remediation Design, Implementation and Post Remedial Monitoring
- remedial options assessment and cost-benefit analysis
- preparation of remediation and risk management plans
- design of ex-situ and in-situ remedial technologies for remediation of contaminated soil, groundwater and aquatic sediment
- preparation of tender specifications
- contract administration and construction supervision
- closure sampling and reporting
- long-term monitoring of various media (soils, groundwater, air and sediment)
Risk Assessment and Management
We work with board certified toxicologists who use risk assessment methods to characterize and provide improved understanding of complex exposures involving chemicals and other contaminants found in a variety of potentially contaminated media. Together with our partners, our team is experienced in addressing health and safety concerns, with backgrounds including toxicology, industrial hygiene, epidemiology, ecotoxicology, environmental sciences, statistical analysis, and risk assessment. Our team’s risk assessment capabilities vary from preliminary quantitative human health and screening level ecological risk assessments to detailed qualitative risk assessments and development of site-specific guidelines.