The roads we travel, the water we drink, the lakes and rivers that support our environment, and the parks and recreation facilities where we play – municipal infrastructure is essential to our day-to-day lives. Our municipal team works with cities, towns, municipalities, First Nation communities, parks, land developers, property owners, and private industry to provide innovative solutions for every project.
Municipal Servicing and Land Development
We provide a complete suite of municipal services for any land development project from single structures to large-scale subdivisions and industrial developments. Our municipal services include:
- design of building services
- wastewater service
- stormwater
- potable water
- fire water
- stormwater
- storage calculations
- low impact development (LID) strategies
- bioswales and naturalized retention/detention ponds
- stand alone sewage treatment
- septic tanks
- lagoons
- septic fields
- greywater storage
- water distribution
- water modeling (potable and fire protection)
- options analysis (municipal connection, private intake (well, lake or river) and treatment, storage tanks)
- design of internal distribution and fire protection
- transportation
- transportation impact assessments (TIA and TIS)
- active transportation (AT) solutions
- transportation master plans (TMP)
- access, egress and intersection design
- parking lot design and optimization
- design of loading docks and vehicle transfer stations
- pavement design (light, heavy, industrial, airport)
- leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) civil engineering strategies