University of Manitoba Roadway Capital Improvement Program – Fort Garry Campus

A multi-year endeavour, the University of Manitoba’s Roadway Capital Improvement Program involved the renewal of an aging roadway network throughout the entire Fort Garry Campus. KGS Group was retained to reconstruct 6-lane-kilometres of urban and rural roadways. Extensive streetscaping elements were incorporated into the designs including Broadway paver sidewalks, tree plantings, custom benches and 1.75 km of multi-use pathway.

As part of our services, KGS Group provided project management, design and contract administration including:

  • geotechnical investigations
  • roadway condition assessments
  • topographic surveys
  • repair definition
  • reconstruction designs
  • multi-use pathway alignment selection
  • asphalt & concrete pavement structure optimization
  • dimensioned jointing
  • traffic signal relocations
  • signage plans
  • staging plans
  • native revegetation
  • steam and condensate utilidor selection and design

Not limited to surface works, KGS Group also developed comprehensive renewal designs for water mains, sanitary sewer, land drainage with modular suspended pavement system, steam and condensate lines, chilled water and pre-cast utility trenching.